I’m Dopstart and I’ve been a freelance Digital Marketing consultant for 20 years.

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Who I am

My online name is Dopstart. In real life Donato Paolino.

I am a digital marketing consultant and have been working in the field of SEO, Social Media Marketing and online advertising for over 20 years. 

From time to time I make use of professional colleagues chosen from time to time for the various projects 

If I can be of assistance to you, contact me

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My adventure on the web began in 1998 with the creation of the first html websites and SEO research.

In 2001 hired as SEO in a large web agency.

Freelancer in the field of web marketing since 2004.

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Mission: Increase your turnover

Conversions are the real goal of our actions: the revenue coming from actions made by users who visit your website.

Whether it is SEO consultancy , a project to promote a service, or real e-commerce, the measurement of a good job is how much turnover was produced thanks to my consultancy.

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They say about me

Some testimonials from satisfied people

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Some brands we have collaborated with

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Experience with Google first as a Top Contributor then as a Product Expert

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