Starting July 31, 2024, Google will remove the chat functionality from your Google Business Profile.
This decision, although it may seem negative, according to Google is necessary to continuously improve their tools and keep Google as a reliable partner for managing tasks.
What changes?
From July 15, 2024, it will no longer be possible to start new chat conversations with your business through Google. Customers with whom you have open conversations will be notified when this feature is being phased out. After that, on July 31st, the chat will be completely disabled and you will no longer receive messages via this channel.
Other contact methods
Despite the removal of chat, customers will still be able to find and contact you using Google Search and Maps. They will be able to learn about your business through your website, description, photos and other information you share in your profile.
How to prepare for the change
For those who want to keep a record of past chats, you can download your conversation history via Google Takeout . Additionally, we recommend inviting customers to continue conversations using other chat communication solutions.
Important dates
- July 15, 2024 : End of ability to start new chat conversations.
- July 31, 2024 : Complete disabling of chat functionality.
Further information
If you have any questions or clarifications regarding this change, you can get more details here .